+32 2 335 35 35 (Bruxelles, Vlaams Brabant, Brabant Wallon) +32 3 301 11 11 (Antwerpen) +32 9 248 00 00 (Gent) +32 16 44 00 00 (Leuven)

Would you like to use our domestic help? Register with BELGICA TITRES-SERVICES!


    Preferred days :
    Morning :

    Afternoon :

    I agree with the text below and hereby send my request.

    For your information:
    The activities permitted by the voucher-service legislation that you can ask the worker for service vouchers are:
    At home:
    • Cleaning,
    • Ironing,
    • Cooking,
    • Washing,
    • Small sewing jobs.
    Outside the home:
    • Ironing,
    • Home shopping.

    Any activity other than the above is prohibited. You must pay 1 check per hour of work performed which must be dated and signed with still blue or black by yourself. You cannot be represented to order, complete or sign the check.
    Service vouchers can only be used to pay for activities carried out for your private needs and not for professional activities. Activities such as gardening, child care, painting, ... are not allowed.